There are various things to learn about when it comes to getting a vasectomy. This is a permanent birth control method that is performed on the vas deferens, which are the tubes putting sperm in semen during ejaculation. It has a good success rate and is a surgical procedure, so it’s best to learn all about it before you decide whether the method is for you or not.


One thing many men have wondered is, “do you still ejaculate after a vasectomy?” This is a common question and a worry for some, as they would still like to enjoy their sex life and experience ejaculation.


Read on as I explain how vasectomies affect ejaculation.


Do You Still Ejaculate After a Vasectomy?

The short answer: Ejaculation after vasectomies would remain the same, just as it was prior to the procedure. There will be no change in the patient’s ability to ejaculate, nor would it change the appearance and consistency of semen.


The only difference in the ejaculation is that there is no sperm in the semen. There will also be no difference in feeling, both from the patient and his sexual partner/s, as sperm would only make up for about 2-5% of ejaculation, so there is not much of a difference in volume as well.


With that in mind, there are some things to know about after the procedure, in terms of sex and ejaculation.


  1. The First Ejaculation Post-Surgery


Men who were able to get erections and ejaculate before the procedure will still be able to do so afterward. Again, the only change is that there will be no sperm. However, most patients would feel pain and discomfort in the testicles, which is normal, due to the surgical incisions.


It's advised to wait for a few days after the procedure before masturbating or having sex, which prevents irritating any swollen or sensitive issues. Afterward, you can resume your typical sexual activity and other daily activities. However, if there is still some questionable discomfort after a few weeks, do have it checked with the doctor.

  1. Sex After Vasectomy


When the pain and swelling go away, patients can resume sexual activity as normal without risk of pain and infection. With that said, it's still best to use other birth control methods such as condoms, at least for a few months after the procedure. This is because the vasectomy won't work immediately, with sperm still present for a few weeks.


Furthermore, vasectomies won’t protect you against any sexually transmitted diseases, so if you have multiple sexual partners (or your partner does), it’s best to stick with other forms of contraceptives.


After a few weeks (typically 2 months), you will go for a follow-up test to check for sperm content in the semen. Once sperm-free, one will be able to have sex without the risk of pregnancy and the need for other birth control methods.

  1. Masturbation After Vasectomy


It’s safe to masturbate after the wounds heal, and the pain and swelling disappear. There’s no need to take additional precautions before masturbating. Similar to what’s mentioned above, after 20-30 ejaculations or 2-3 months, you can have your sperm count checked through a sperm analysis.


The test will be done by masturbating into a cup to provide semen samples. And again, when sperm-free, you can have sex without the risk of conception.


Note that while ejaculation is normal, your testes will continue creating sperm after the procedure, it just won’t pass through the vas deferens. The sperm will simple be absorbed in your body, and you won’t need to worry about negative effects.


Following Up

Fortunately, there is no difference in ejaculation after a vasectomy, nor will there be a negative effect on one's sex life. It may make it more pleasurable for some with the confidence that there isn't a risk of unwanted pregnancies.


After your first two, be sure that you get a yearly sample checked by 


I hope that this article answered your question, “do you still ejaculate after a vasectomy?” Now that you know the answer, you can delve deeper into what the procedure entails to measure its pros and cons. Do talk with your doctor to consider your options to see if a vasectomy is best for you.

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