It is important to know the Vasectomy Recovery Tips that most healthcare professionals recommend. A vasectomy is an outpatient procedure that takes about half an hour during which a surgeon, usually a urologist, severs the tubes that send sperm from the testicles into your semen.  It is minimally invasive and full recovery is less than two weeks.  Of course, this can vary from patient to patient. 


Following the procedure, the doctor's office will give you self care instructions.  Be sure you understand them before leaving the facility and that you follow their orders carefully.


Because the surgeon uses a local anesthetic, the scrotum will be numb for a period of time following the procedure.  As the anesthetic wears off, the area will be anywhere from tender to painful.  Generally there is some bruising and swelling.  Urination should be as normal but there may be some discomfort.  It is usually recommended that someone else do the driving to avoid undue strain or pressure on the surgical site.


 Vasectomy Recovery Tips

Discomfort can be kept to a minimum if you use slightly tight supportive underwear which will help protect the genital area including the stitches.  Using an ice pack or cold compress for 10 to 20-minute intervals several times a day should reduce the swelling and pain.  You can take acetaminophen but avoid aspirin, ibuprofen or naproxen as they might increase bruising or bleeding.  Wait for about a day or two before showering, unless the doctor recommends otherwise.  Do not lift anything over 10 pounds, exercise, or have sex within a few days of the procedure.  Keep an eye on the area and if you notice any pus, redness, bleeding or increased swelling, contact your doctor.


Take it easy and rest for at least two days.  After that time you will be able to remove the bandages and wear looser underwear.  As long as your job does not require lifting or excessive movement, you can return to work.


After about a week, the pain and swelling in the area should have dissipated for the most part.  Most of the healing should have taken place and you shouldn't need any bandages at that point.  If you feel like it, you can resume light exercise.  Sex is acceptable, but remember there may still be sperm in the semen and you will need to send in a sperm test or semen test, which you can do easily by mail from home.  It is best to use a condom or other birth control for as much as a few months until you have had 2 negative tests.   It will take at least 15 - 20 ejaculations before the semen is sperm free, and sometimes more.

Vasectomy Recovery Tips

During that first week, you should still be cautious about heavy lifting or strenuous exercise.

The follow-up visit is usually six to twelve weeks after the procedure.  However, if you have any concerns, contact the doctor's office for advice or a sooner visit.  Once the doctor has released you from treatment, you should be able to resume your normal activities.


A vasectomy is not a prevention for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). 


As with any medical procedure, there can be complications including some bleeding or other discharge, nausea or decreased appetite.  If you spike a fever, are unable to urinate, or feel you have an infection, seek emergency care.


There should be only about a 1% chance of pregnancy following a vasectomy with proper follow-up tests and care, this is why getting semen tests regularly to check for sperm is important.

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